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Not Having Sex.Com  is dedicated to improving the mental health and spirits among the community of men by creating a safe haven environment of hope and unity and compassion. We promise to work tirelessly to improve conditions in our relationships and marriages, and to affect positive change in the family that surrounds us. We affirm the importance of working together to find solutions.

But let's face it.  Men know that 2+2=4.  Women will say that 2+2 = either 3 or 7 depending on how they feel.  Or just because they don't like 4.  Not Having Sex.Com will operate lawfully and respectfully to help men learn to navigate in all such matters of female logic.  We're not here to bash women.  We're only trying to get our voices heard and pay a few bills.  We believe in fairness for all and believe that such is possible, even within the suffocating boundaries of marriage.  Not Having Sex.Com will never waiver in the conviction that humor is the best method to solve problems between man and wife.

Signed this 10th day of July, 2008

The Dude,
Founding Member

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